These are the final release notes for the March 2024 release.
Released: 2024-03-21
This is a mini release that introduces a couple of new features.
New Features and Changes
Translation Help
We have added instructions on how to use the translation feature, to make it easier to find and use. The instructions can be accessed through the webReader menu.
Note: This feature is off by default, but can be enabled by ReadSpeaker. #8341
Translation on Mobile
With this release, we are bringing the translation feature to mobile. We have added an option to the mobile toolbar where users can select the language to translate into, and then you tap on the text section you want to have translated.
Note: This feature is off by default, but can be enabled by ReadSpeaker. #7896
Notable Corrections
: Prevent end-of-audio callback from firing when audio is stopped manually.#8391
: Replace aria-selected with aria-checked on color picker radio buttons.#8390
: Dialog reading not working with custom mobile player.#8379
: Translation disclaimer not hiding on click in fullscreen mode.#8367
: Click & Listen jumps to top of page after finished reading.#8349
: Use aria-expanded for the Listen button to signal whether the player controls are available.#8347
: Space bar closes modal, when trying to accept disclaimer in translation result.